
20 Oct 2016, 23:28
Closing the gap on temporary fencing – GHL have designed easy to attach height reduction bars. Available as part of your temporary fence hire or for sale!

17 Sept 2016, 05:20
Temp fence design makes a huge difference. GHL Temp Fence design their temporary fences for faster, easier and safer erection and dismantling on site.

24 Aug 2016, 05:10
Not all temporary fence systems meet safety standards and are a durable solution - here are ways to check out your next temporary fence hire or purchase.

20 Jul 2016, 23:58
GHL prides itself on its commitment to health and safety in its pioneering actions and innovative products. This is what sets GHL apart from its competitors.

2 Jul 2016, 01:07
New Zealand’s largest temporary fencing sales and hire company, GHL today announced three new temporary fencing products added to their hire range. These innovative products help meet the new health and safety standards for sites whilst giving easy access to workers and equipment on the site.

27 May 2016, 22:41
Not all temp fences are safe– does your temporary fence have bracing & the properly weighted concrete feet for added stability from knocks & bad weather?

14 May 2016, 04:00
Just over 10 years ago GHLgroup was the first to import Temporary Fencing products into New Zealand and we've certainly learnt at lot of costly lessons the hard way.

5 Apr 2016, 23:02
Using temporary fencing and accessories that are low quality actually defeats the whole purpose of erecting the fence in the first place - to keep the premises or construction site safe from the public, the workers and the equipment and material secure while the site is vacant.

24 Mar 2016, 04:15
Unpredictable weather and high wind prone construction sites means considering extra stability when hiring and erecting temporary fencing around the site.

11 Feb 2016, 22:16
Over ten years ago, Greg and Vicki Goudie began their small operations in plank hire and quickly expanded to provide sales and hire of temp fencing, including temp fence accessories, temp pool fencing, and crowd control barriers.