Buyers Beware – what to look for when buying temporary fencing
As a Business that has both sold and hired temporary fencing and accessories for over ten years, GHL have seen some poor-quality temp fences in Auckland. Regularly, we hear of people that have purchased Temporary Fencing that didn’t meet the standards they thought they were getting. We want to help you to buy top-quality temporary fencing that will last for years, using these simple checks.
Beware of misleading temp fence descriptions
It never ceases to amaze us the statements what many suppliers will say on their website. Watch out for these –
- The wording on their website does not match the product - Words used to describe durable systems suitable for construction & hire, when their product is in fact a light weight copy or low grade galvanised fencing.
- The photos do not match the actual temp fence - They use photos of a more substantial fence panel, with completely different feet & clamps than what they sell.
GHL strongly suggests you check all specifications of any temp fence product before purchasing.
What to check when buying good quality durable temporary fence
Use this quick checklist below to assess the sturdiness and suitability of the product for your needs or the job.
- Weight of the panel - ensure the panel is to the specifications you need. The heavier the panel, the thicker the wall and the mesh ensuring it will last for years, outliving the rough handling on a worksite and exposure to the elements.
From our experience, as a rule of thumb:
- A panel that weighs less than 21 kilograms usually means the wall thickness of the pipe will be less than 2mm and or the Infill mesh is less than 3mm
- Galvanising – This should be a minimum of 42 microns. Ask your supplier for proof of the microns. We have seen a high percentage of galvanised steel panels from China that are only 14 – 16 microns. Once these panels are exposed to the elements they will rust within 12 months.
- Concrete Filled Feet – The Plastic Shells for the Concrete filled feet need to be treated for UV, the higher the UV treatment, the longer your PVC feet will last. Ask the supplier what the UV rating is. Ours are manufactured in Melbourne, Australia and are designed specifically for outdoor use with a UV10 treatment to reduce deterioration and colour fading.
- Steel Feet – These should be a minimum of 10mm thick
galvanised steel with a width of 150mm to give them sufficient strength to
prevent bending from the weight of the fence panel.
- Clamps – These need to be a minimum of 4 mm thick galvanised steel or they will collapse if only slightly over tightened.
Please be careful. A competitive price is important but cheapest isn’t necessarily the best.
Need more information on your next temp fence purchase, Call us now on 0800TempFence or get a quick quote here.
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